
Le Petit Prince

A quick piece of Le Petit Prince that I remember doing a looooooong time ago. The drawing kinda sucks, but I still like the sentiment.


Good boy!

Season 1 of Robot & Monster is starting to wrap up. It’s been a blast! I have a pitch on Friday and everything is turned in, so I have a little personal time…

I have a goal for the (potential) hiatus time to finish a personal project. I’m building the story now…


Deadly Moves

A friend and I started taking beginner Tai-Jutsu classes. It’s extremely humbling. This is probably the only deadly move I’ll ever be able to do.


Timmy & Suzy go Noodlin’

Two characters I have been playing with, developing small gags around. Timmy Bighand – a kid with a really big hand (and some insecurity issues) and Suzy Backwards, a flighty girl with her head on backwards. Literally.

I’m doing more of these for myself for now, and will be posting.

Raise your hand if you know what Noodling is! If not, here’s some reference.