Instead of needing lots of children, we need high-quality
hi uncle The deadly Hydra now is the hydra of
Equality. Liberty, Equality and Fraternity is the three-fanged
The illusion which exalts us is dearer to us then
ten-thousand truths.,
One succeeds in obtaining an equivalent production
at a lower price by improving the arts, trades and agriculture and by developing
the physical and moral qualities of workers, farmers and
Instead of needing lots of children, we need
high-quality children.
That dares not put it to the touch
God gave us two ears and one mouth, so we can hear
twice as much as we say.,
It is therefore, to put mildly effrontery when
especially foreign politicians make bold to speak of hostility to religion in
the third Reich
Posted: Monday - November 21, 2005 at
at 08:23 AM